Do the 5 Marks of a Disciple Self-Study here.
On your journey of transformation, it makes sense to start with the end in mind. That's why we've captured the Five Marks from the pages of Scripture.
What is a disciple? The simple answer is that it's someone who is growing to become more and more like Jesus. Every Christ-follower is on a journey toward Christ-likeness. We are all being transformed to become more and more like him.
Followers of Jesus live like Jesus and love like Jesus. But what does that look like? At Crosspoint, we describe this with the FIVE MARKS OF A DISCIPLE. We believe that these are the biblical characteristics that portray a follower of Jesus.
We have designed a discipleship pathway that begins with the end in mind. Each of our ministries will equip and assist you in becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ.
The starting place of this discipleship pathway is Lunch with the Leaders, it is a chance to sit with the leaders at Crosspoint and hear more about who we are. From there we encourage you join us at the Journey, where we explore what it means to be a disciple and why we think the 5 marks are so important.
These five marks emerge from a rich and thorough study of the scriptures. If you would like to engage in that study, you can find it here.
A disciple with GROWTH lives a surrendered life, under Christ's leadership. Surrender includes glad obedience and dependence. When our lives are surrendered, it will lead to transformation through the Spirit's power. This is the most important characteristic because, without it, the other marks cannot flourish.
A disciple in COMMUNITY engages in intentional, deeper relationships with a small group of other disciples. This group shares transformational, loving, and transparent relationships as they seek to build each other up.
A disciple with PURSUIT seeks to know Christ personally above all things. They seek him through personal spiritual practices like Bible reading and prayer. They also seek him publicly through worship with the body of Christ.
A disciple with SERVICE has a posture of service to others. They give of their time, treasure, and talents to build up the church and to help others in need.
A disciple on MISSION joins with Jesus in his redemptive mission in the world. They courageously share the gospel, in both word and deed. This takes place in every part of their lives - where they live, work, and play.